getting to the essence

Have you ever tried to describe yourself without using activities?  Activist, manager, branding guru, etc.  

Have you ever tried to describe yourself without assets?  Good communicator, passionate about this project, excellent public speaker. 

What is left when we stop listing skills as our most personal qualities?  

  • not a good communicator, but a source of wisdom

  • not passionate about X, but simply full of energy and excitement

  • not influential in one's sphere, but possessive of bravery and perspective in all things

A person is not simply the sum total of their assets.  Resist the urge to think of yourself as a job candidate all the time, trying to justify your existence by emphasizing what you can offer someone else.  

Go beyond being skilled at something.  Embody the things that make you radiate in earnest. 


breakdowns, burnout, and saying no


on authenticity